In general, you can visit CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED website maintaining your anonymity. Occasionally, however, CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED may need from you to provide personally identifiable information, such as your name, company, e-mail address, phone number, and address (“Personal Information”). The purpose for requesting the particular info may involve, corresponding with and/or contacting you, fulfilling your requests, or otherwise to provide you with a subscription to a newsletter or publication, or to notify you about events. Where applicable, we will differentiate between personal data fields that are optional and those that are mandatory in order for you to obtain the requested information.
By consenting to supply CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED with personally identifiable data, such as your name, address, email address and telephone number, CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED will not, in any way, directly or indirectly, sell or transfer any of this information to any third party. Any information supplied will be confidential and will be handled in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
You will only be receiving advertising materials from CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED, only if you have provided your explicit consent. In the case you feel that you need to revoke this consent, you will be provided with an automated way to opt out (unsubscribe) from that particular communication or from all marketing e-mails sent by CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED. Please follow the instructions on the e-mail you received to do so. In the unlikely case that you have received unwanted e-mail from our company, please forward a copy of that e-mail to
Please note that if you reply to CHERSOOL INVESTMENT LIMITED address in one of our advertising e-mails or otherwise correspond with us, your communication will not create a company-client relationship with us. Do not send us any information that you or anyone else considers to be confidential or secret unless we have first agreed to be your service providers in that matter. Any information you send us before we agree to be your service providers cannot be protected from disclosure as a means of company-client confidentiality.